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Wednesday 19 October 2016

The confession of love

Soumi was new to the school. After her father got transferred to the small town Bagpur, she had joined the only school in the area. She had become used to the fast life of a metropolis. This was a huge change for her. People of Bagpur had a rural touch and the society was a little confined and conservative. Soumi had never wanted to leave Delhi, but she was left with no choice. At first, she had a tough time adjusting to the new environment, but soon new friends and the beautiful scenery of Bagpur helped her to get assimilated into the hitherto unknown surroundings. One of her friends who particularly made the change easy was Latika.
Soumi first met Latika in the school premises while rushing to find her classroom. Latika was a tall and thin girl with a boyish hairstyle. She had very beautiful and intelligent eyes. She helped Soumi find her classroom and soon Soumi realized that Latika was in the same grade. Latika was a bright student and was the class representative. She invited Soumi to sit with her but never talked to her much. Most of the times Latika was engrossed in her studies and Soumi was left alone to observe her fellow classmates. The class had sharp divides. The bright students used to sit in front and the backbenchers were of course the ones who were only interested in causing nuisance. Latika sat at frontmost seat and the others around were also equally serious in their attitude. Soumi had always been a very jolly girl and found the company a little too grave for her liking. But she was in the earnest to fit in.
Everyday Soumi would have a lot to talk about but was always confronted with a disinterested face. Nevertheless she tried to make conversation with Latika. Within a few months she saw that Latika was actually listening to her incessant chattering. Once or twice she would comment on the non-stop blabbering problem of Soumi but would still lend a patient ear. Eventually Latika started talking about things other than studies and told her about her favorite movie stars, food, music etc. She also took her to her home where Soumi met Latika's mom and elder sister, her father was at work so she couldn't meet him. Latika was a very obedient girl and Soumi could sense that her family was very proud of her. Latika's elder sister was a little like Soumi and had a very good sense of humor. She studied at the nearby college and was not very good in her studies unlike her younger sister. Although she loved Latika very much, the constant comparison with her sister made by her parents instilled in her a slight inferiority complex. On the other hand Latika respected her elder sister for her amazing easy-going personality and always felt bad about the fact that she lacked the happy temper of her sister. 
Since Latika was the topper of the class, all students as well as teachers had a lot of respect for her. Both boys and girls would come to her for different study-related problems and she was always prompt in helping them. Soumi also started liking Latika. While the days passed peacefully, Soumi noticed that there was one guy named Vinod, who never came to Latika for help. On the contrary, he befriended Soumi. He would take a chair and sit beside Soumi between the classes and would talk about endless number of topics. Vinod had a very charming, kiddish smile. He had a very happy outgoing nature and became friends with Soumi almost instantly. Soon Latika started teasing Soumi about Vinod. But Soumi was sure that Vinod was just a friend and neither her nor him had any mutual feelings. 
However, there was one peculiar thing about the whole matter. Soumi occasionally found Latika looking in their direction whenever Vinod came to chat with her. In fact she sometimes found Latika keeping her fellow classmates waiting while she was absorbed in their conversation, which was very unlike Latika's personality. 
After noticing this a few times, Soumi asked Latika if she liked Vinod. Latika denied it right away and instead said that she had known Vinod from the time she had joined the school and had never found him interesting. She said that she can never like people who talk so much and laugh without a reason. This hurt Soumi a bit, but she identified the incoherence in Latika's statements. She thought to herself that Latika loved her sister so much who almost had exactly same personality as Vinod. Now, she was a little intrigued about Latika's feelings towards Vinod.
During the winters the school organized a school picnic every year. This time it was a nearby lake. Bagpur had many scenic places including hilly forested areas, natural lakes and old temples and monasteries. There was never a problem with finding a beautiful place for picnics and this year was no different. Latika and Soumi were also excited about the picnic. For Soumi it was a new experience here, she packed some snacks, loaded her mobile phone with songs of all genres and some clothes in case she needed to change. Latika showed her a fancy hat which her sister had gifted her and was overjoyed to finally have a place to wear it.
All the students assembled in front of the school gate but Vinod was missing. The school bus came and after all the students had boarded the bus the teachers started calling for attendance. Soumi was a little sad as she had hoped Vinod would come but she had Latika with her which was enough for her to enjoy the trip. As soon as the driver started the engine, to everybody's surprise Vinod was at the door of the bus panting heavily. Soumi's eyes glittered with happiness and she turned towards Latika to express her joy. To her surprise she found Latika looking straight at Vinod with a smile on her face that suggested a strange respite. At that moment Soumi caught Vinod staring at Latika as well.
Vinod came up to their seat and greeted them. Soon the bus started moving and all the students started cheering and shouting. It was a four-hour journey and as usual Soumi went on talking to Latika while Vinod was with the other boys giggling about something. On reaching the destination, Latika forcibly turned Soumi's face outside the window so that she could have a look at the scenery. Soumi was stunned. It was breathtaking. A blue lake nestled at the lap of absolutely green hills, was a view which found everybody dumbstruck. Soon everyone alighted the bus and started spreading mats on the grass. On Soumi's insistence Latika went with her to the rocky area near the lake. While approaching the water her ankle twisted and she fell over the rocks. Soumi rushed to her side and made her sit on one of the rocks. She could see blood on Latika's lips and to the horror of both of them, Latika had broken one of her teeth partially. Latika started crying. Soumi didn't have words to console her, nevertheless she tried her best. On seeing blood Vinod who had followed them without their knowledge, now ran up to them and offered water to Latika to wash her wound. Soumi could see how nervous Vinod had become. His hands were shaking and he was fumbling with words. But within a few moments when he discovered that Latika had only broken a teeth and there was no serious injury, he started teasing her calling her 'broken tooth girl'. Latika was very angry with Vinod. But the strange thing was that Latika was trying to hide her great disappointment behind the anger.
The picnic was over and exams were approaching.
Soumi always felt that there was something she was missing. Latika was always very affected whenever Vinod teased her about her broken tooth. The Latika whom Soumi knew was least bothered about what people thought about her. Soumi decided to ask Vinod if he had any special feelings for Latika. Soumi had always imagined that they were secretly in love with each other.
Was she right? We will soon find out. Till then hold on to your curiosity..

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